What is chat GPT 4

Chat GPT 4

What is GPT-4?

GPT stands for Generative Pre-Trained Transformer, and GPT-4 is its fourth iteration. To understand what that means, we can break down each component individually:

Just four months ago, OpenAI released ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence (AI) program that has already significantly impacted the world. It has sparked discussions about its potential impact on job markets, disrupted education systems, and attracted millions of users, including big banks and app developers.

Now, OpenAI has announced the release of GPT-4, which has long been rumored to improve upon the already impressive language skills of ChatGPT. According to OpenAI, GPT-4 is the company's most advanced system yet, capable of producing safer and more valuable responses.

This latest development marks the end of ChatGPT and the introduction of an even more powerful tool: ChatGPT-4. This new AI chatbot is expected to create even more significant waves worldwide, and interested parties can now access it.

So, what exactly is GPT-4, and how can it be used? This article will explore everything you need to know about this exciting new technology.

OpenAI released its latest language model system, GPT-4, on March 14, 2023. This newest version of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) will be available for premium ChatGPT users and through API.

If you provide GPT-4 with a question from a US bar exam, it can generate an essay that showcases legal knowledge. Similarly, it applies biochemical expertise if you provide it with a therapeutic molecule and request different variations.

Its predecessor, GPT 3.5, was the powerhouse behind the immensely popular ChatGPT chatbot, which was launched in November 2022.

GPT models are deep learning models that generate text resembling a human conversation.

How does GPT-4 work?

GPT-4 works by using a neural network that has been trained on a massive amount of data. The model is pre-trained on a large corpus of text, which allows it to understand and produce natural language. Once the model is trained, it can be fine-tuned for a specific task, such as language translation, question-answering, or summarization.

How does GPT-4 differ from ChatGPT?

Think of ChatGPT as a car and GPT-4 as its powerful engine. Just like an engine that can be used in various ways, GPT-4 is a versatile technology that can be applied to many different uses. You might have already encountered it in Microsoft's Bing Chat, which famously went rogue and threatened to harm people.

But GPT-4 is not limited to chatbots. Duolingo, for instance, has integrated it into their language learning app to provide more nuanced feedback to users, not just the correct answer. Stripe is also leveraging GPT-4 to identify scammers in their chatrooms. And Be My Eyes, an assistive technology company, is using an image input feature to create a tool that can describe the world to visually impaired people and answer follow-up questions.

GPT-4 VS GPT-3.5: what’s the difference?

GPT-4 has been developed to enhance model "alignment" by improving its understanding of user intentions while producing more accurate and less offensive output. GPT-4 performs better than GPT-3.5 regarding factual correctness and lower error rates. It also improves "steerability," allowing users to adjust the model's tone and style to fit their needs. Additionally, GPT-4 adheres to guardrails better than its predecessor, refusing to fulfill inappropriate requests.

One significant improvement is the ability to use image inputs in addition to text. GPT-4 can handle complex imagery such as charts, memes, and academic paper screenshots. However, this feature is currently only available in research previews and is not yet open to the public.

What are the capabilities of GPT-4?

  • GPT-4 can process both images and text, unlike its predecessors, which can only process text. This enables GPT-4 to analyze the contents of an image and connect it with a written question, but it cannot generate images.
  • GPT-4 is better at tasks that require creativity or advanced reasoning.
  • GPT-4 can process whole scientific papers and novellas in one go, allowing it to answer more complicated questions and connect more details in any query.
  • GPT-4 measures input and output in "tokens" rather than character or word count, with each token equal to roughly four characters and 75 words generally taking up around 100 tokens.
  • GPT-4 has performed well on standardized tests such as BAR, LSAT, GRE, and various AP modules, but still struggles with tests that require more creativity.

What are the limitations of GPT-4?

OpenAI's new language model, GPT-4 is not perfect. OpenAI recommends users exercise caution when using GPT-4's outputs and establish protocols specific to their needs. Here are some limitations.

  • It still struggles with social biases, hallucinations, and adversarial prompts.
  • The model's pre-training data only goes up to September 2021, so it may not be reliable for current events.
  • Users can potentially input prompts that elicit unintended output (called "jailbreaks").
  • It could be better at understanding/outputting languages other than English.
  • It doesn’t analyze audio or video.
  • Sometimes it makes mistakes in math that a calculator wouldn't make.

How can you access GPT-4?

If you're new to ChatGPT, the first step is to go to chat.openai.com and sign up for a free account. This will give you access to GPT-3.5.

If you want to use GPT-4, subscribe to ChatGPT Plus, which costs $20 per month, offers faster response time, and provides premium access to the service.

Currently, GPT-4 has a limit of 100 messages every four hours. Although GPT-4 can handle text and image inputs, only the text-input feature is available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers and software developers. The image-input capability is not yet available to the public, and there's a waitlist to access it.

Does Bing Chat use GPT-4?

bing chat

Microsoft initially announced that Bing Chat would run on a next-generation OpenAI language model. However, they recently revealed that the specific model behind their chatbot is the latest and most advanced language model from OpenAI, GPT-4.

Surprisingly, Bing Chat has been utilizing an early version of GPT-4 since its launch, and users have been interacting with it for the past five weeks without realizing it.

This makes Bing Chat the only free platform currently offering access to GPT-4.

As OpenAI continues improving the model, Bing Chat will continue incorporating these updates.

Who’s using GPT-4 right now?

Morgan Stanley is utilizing GPT-4 to arrange data related to wealth management. Stripe, a payment company, is experimenting with it to detect and prevent fraudulent activities. Additionally, the language-learning app Duolingo is integrating it to explain errors and enable users to practice real-life conversations.

What are Chrome extensions that support GPT-4?

There are hundreds of ChatGPT-based Chrome extensions already. However, since GPT-4 has just been released a few days, few products support GPT-4.

ChatGPT Sidebar might be the first Chrome extension that is GPT-4 supported. ChatGPT Sidebar is a ChatGPT-based sidebar that is designed to supercharge your website browsing experience. It provides writing and reading assistance when you are browsing any websites. It offers an array of in-built prompts to help you summarize, translate, rewrite any text and do any other tasks. You can also customize your own prompts and save them for quick access.


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