Senegal opposition leader Ousmane Sonko sentenced to two years

Senegal opposition leader Ousmane Sonko sentenced to two years
Senegal opposition leader Ousmane Sonko sentenced to two years

Protests have erupted in Senegal’s capital, Dakar, after a court sentenced the leading opposition figure Ousmane Sonko to two years in jail for “corrupting youth”, dealing a blow to his chances of running for president next year.

Sonko, 48, was accused of raping a woman who worked in a beauty salon in 2021 and making death threats against her. He denies wrongdoing and is boycotting court proceedings.

The court on Thursday acquitted Sonko of charges of rape and issuing death threats, but found him guilty of a separate criminal offence described in the penal code as immoral behaviour towards individuals younger than 21.

The case has triggered violent protests, with Sonko’s supporters denouncing the charges against him as politically motivated, which the government and justice officials deny.

Sonko’s Patriots of Senegal (PASTEF) party said the verdict was part of a political plot and called on citizens to take to the streets.

Violence erupted at a central university campus, where protesters set a car alight and threw rocks at riot police, who responded by firing tear gas.

If he had been convicted of rape, he would have faced up to 20 years’ imprisonment.

His electoral eligibility had already been overshadowed by a six-month suspended prison sentence for defamation against a minister. Sonko is appealing that sentence.

Corrupting young people, which includes using one’s position of power to have sex with people under age 21, is a criminal offence in Senegal that is punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to more than $6,000.

Under Senegalese law, his conviction would bar Sonko from running in next year’s election, said Bamba Cisse, a defence lawyer.

“The conviction for corruption of youth hinders his eligibility because he was sentenced in absentia, so we can’t appeal,” Cisse said. Law professors in Senegal say the verdict can be appealed but only once Sonko is imprisoned.

One of Sonko’s lawyers, Djiby Diagne, said, “Ousmane’s Sonko’s candidacy is in jeopardy.”

The court did not rule on whether he should be arrested.

“The decision to arrest him or not depends on the public prosecutor,” Diagne said.

Sad day for Senegal’s democracy’

Adama Gaye, author, journalist and former director of information at the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) told Al Jazeera that the government has influenced the verdict.

“It’s a very sad day for Senegal’s democracy. Senegal was known for dirty politics, but that is what we are witnessing now. This may usher a lot of tensions as we move towards the 2024 presidential elections,”

Courtesy by: Aljazeera


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